Boosting game discovery among Gen Z

Gen Z Insights is your source for the latest Gen Z marketing trends and perspectives, presented by UNiDAYS.

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Tech it to the next level with Gen Z

    Download the report: Gen Z spending habits before and during COVID-19

    Why Gen Z needs your support this Winter

    Gen Z represents a wealth of untapped potential, yet so many brands still don’t understandwhat makes students tick. To truly win with this generation, you need...

    Tap into students’ purpose-driven tech purchases in Q2

    Tech is embedded into every aspect of our lives, but how do Gen Z use it and what makes them different from other generations? For the answers to these questions, take a look at the UNiDAYS Q2 Student Insight Report, where we’re also talking:

    - Gen Z’s multifaceted relationship with tech
    - Students’ purchasing patterns and behaviours
    - Their top destinations for discovering new tech
    - Why brands can’t afford to miss the opportunity

    …and so much more. So, for your complete guide to keeping Gen Z engaged throughout Q2 and beyond, download the report now.

    The digital generation has spoken

    Unlike previous generations, Gen Z will often purchase and use a variety of devices for very
    specific purposes. This means their buying decisions are carefully calculated, often long
    before they actually make a purchase.

    • 49% of Gen Z purchase noise-cancelling headphones to help them concentrate while studying for their final exams
    • 79% of students buy games consoles to relax, while 39% use them to socialise with friends
    • More than a quarter of students are buying cameras for side hustles and nearly 1 in 5 for career development.

    What's trending in tech?

    Gen Z are purposeful and value-driven with their tech purchases. They want their gadgets to be long-term investments—they’re the only generation to prioritise quality over price, with 65% of students saying quality is the most important factor in their buying decisions.

    On the other hand, they’re not so concerned about previous brand experience, free delivery or product availability. Instead, Gen Z are savvy shoppers who will wait for a great deal or student discount, even for items they’ve already committed to purchasing.

    As the first wave of digital natives, Gen Z are, unsurprisingly, highly receptive to social media content:

    • 82% believe short-form video content is the most influential factor when buying new tech
    • 71% of students say influencer content is most likely to persuade them to buy tech

    For tech success with Gen Z, it’s vital to capture their attention on the channels they love, with the types of content that truly resonate with them.

    They're digitally fluent, so speak the language

    Gen Z’s love of tech isn’t just shaping their lifestyles, but also setting the pace for future innovations. Brands should be paying close attention to their habits to remain relevant and win students’ loyalty.

    Juandré Bekker, Industry Lead for Technology at UNiDAYS, commented:

    Brands aiming to resonate with this influential demographic must align themselves with the values, aesthetics and digital fluency that define Gen Z. A strategic partnership with UNiDAYS offers an invaluable opportunity for brands to connect with this pivotal generation. With our deep understanding of Gen Z’s habits and preferences, we provide the perfect platform for brands to authentically engage with and cater to the needs of young consumers.

    So, what can you take away from Gen Z’s shopping patterns and preferences, and how can you apply these insights to your tech strategy?

    • Hit the ground running: target Gen Z with content they resonate with. Leverage channels like TikTok and Instagram to produce influencer content and short-form videos that authentically engage and inform students.
    • Feel the student sentiment: align your brand with Gen Z’s priorities. Focus on creating high-quality, aesthetically pleasing products that align with students’ lifestyles and prioritise sustainability and ethical practices.
    • Be the brand they love: optimise your student discount incentive programme to give Gen Z that final push towards the conversion line. Young people would rather wait for deals and sales before buying new tech, so give them a solid reason to choose your brand.

    Power up your tech strategy

    As Gen Z continue to navigate the tech landscape, their preferences and behaviours offer valuable insights into the evolving relationship between young consumers and the digital world.

    Craving more? Check out for the UNiDAYS Q2 Student Insight Report. Loaded with actionable tech insights to help you seize the student opportunity, this is your guide to maximising brand awareness, revenue and conversions among Gen Z.

    Partner with UNiDAYS to position your brand in front of an audience of 29m+ verified student members and unlock lifetime loyalty from the most tech-savvy generation yet.


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